
51% of Indian respondents believe AI will enhance productivity: PwC survey

Monika Yadav

Most Indians are upbeat about the contribution of artificial intelligence (AI) to their job efficiency and productivity. 

According to a survey conducted by PwC titled 'India Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2023,' 51% of Indian respondents expressed confidence that artificial intelligence (AI) would enhance their productivity at work, compared to 31% of global respondents, provided their organizations offer upskilling opportunities. 

As per the report, India has the potential to become a pioneer in integrating AI technology into businesses if the industry adopts the right upskilling approach. The survey findings highlight the growing expectations of the workforce, which now demand more than just competitive compensation from their employers.

Anumeha Singh, Partner at PwC India, stated, "Amidst the rising uncertainty and seismic impact of AI, the workforce is demanding more from their employers on all counts. To thrive, organizations and leaders will need to make some tough choices while blending adaptability with innovative workforce structures and career pathways."

The survey revealed that 62% of Indian employees believe that the skills required for their jobs will significantly change in the next five years, with 69% of them aware of how these requirements will evolve.

Furthermore, Indian respondents displayed approximately 15% more confidence than their global counterparts in their employers' ability to provide the necessary tools and opportunities for skill development. 

The report also highlighted the restlessness within the Indian workforce, with 42% of employees indicating a likelihood of changing jobs in the next year, driven by expectations of better pay packages and promotions.

In comparison, only 26% of global respondents expressed the same intention. Additionally, 70% of Indian participants, compared to 35% globally, expressed their willingness to ask for a promotion.

Kartik Rishi, Partner at PwC India, emphasized the need for organizations to focus on skills for the future in their talent strategies and programs.

He stated, "Adopting a forward-looking, skills-first approach, which is integrated into their business processes, will be a key factor for leaders in sustaining businesses over the next decade."

The survey also highlighted that the Indian workforce is highly aware of the need for upskilling, with 62% of respondents acknowledging the significant changes in required skills.

Furthermore, 53% of Indian employees considered new skill development as a reason for taking up a secondary job, compared to 36% of their global counterparts.

While 24% of Indian respondents expressed concerns about the negative impact of AI on their work, 51% believed that AI would help increase their productivity or efficiency, in contrast to 31% of global respondents. 

The survey also revealed that Indian employees were more likely to ask for raises, promotions, or switch jobs compared to their global counterparts.

The positive work environment in India was highlighted in the survey, with 73% of employees recommending their workplaces as good places to work, in contrast to 51% of global respondents.

Additionally, 73% of Indian employees felt they could truly be themselves at work, and 64% believed they had the flexibility to choose how they perform their work.

The 2023 India Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey collected responses from 2,502 participants in India, with 88% identified as full-time employees.

Among these respondents, 79% were male, and 20% were female. The study reached out to people across generations – 54% millennials (27–42 years), 21% Gen X (43–58), 19% Gen Z (18–26) and 6% boomers (59–77).

Respondents belonged primarily to seven industries – energy, utilities and resources (EU&R), financial services (FS), government or public sector units (Govt/PS), healthcare, retail and consumer (R&C), technology, media, and telecom (TMT), and industrial manufacturing (IM).