
The un-ending search for almighty supreme

Brahmakumar Nikunj

In 18th Chapter of Gita which is summary of the entire Bhagwadgita, God say’s sarva-dharman parityajya ,mam ekam saranam vraja, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo,moksayisyami ma sucah meaning ‘abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.’ This brings up the most important question of liberation or salvation.

Going by the history of various religions, it is said that the founders of those religions brought supreme’s message to mankind at different points in history in order to rid humanity of evils. Now if he were in this world he wouldn’t need to send any messenger to communicate with his children among whom he is present. There is also the belief that all human souls are fragments of god and they will ultimately merge into him.

This mistaken belief also implies that supreme soul and human souls are separate, though the fact is that souls are children, not fragments, of god and both of them are eternal and they never merge. When all these things contradict the idea of an omnipresent god why is it that it still has a hold on human minds?
One reason is that the devotees have misinterpreted the omnipotence of god as omnipresence because he helps them wherever they are and whenever they need him, often by giving them divine visions. This is mistaken by many devotees to be a manifestation of the omnipresence of god.

In Bhagavadgita, almighty supreme clearly says that humans cannot reach him by prayer, penance, reading scriptures or doing charitable deeds. He gives his own introduction to everyone when he comes to this world at the end of iron age when unrighteousness has reached extreme proportions and humanity is experiencing great sorrow.

He also reminds us of our true identity, that they we all are eternal souls and not bodies and finally He teaches us the unique art of rajyoga, by which the souls can cleanse themselves of all their sins and become worthy of taking birth in the golden age where there is complete peace, purity and happiness.