
Crappy day? Oracle & Angel can help

Thushara Ann Mathew

CHENNAI: It’s not for nothing fortune tellers make brisk business anywhere in the world! With crystal balls, tarot cards, and palm reading, fortune tellers have been playing a major role in passing on positive and healing messages. Oracle reading and Angel Card reading are two of the new entrants in this genre…they have been making good business in the city.

So what are these oracle and angel cards? “I see oracle cards as more friendly and everyday guidance cards. They are free-flowing and much more subtle and lighter to work with,” says Prema Sankar, an oracle card reader. Oracle cards are of a large variety, and the decks may vary from health and healing cards to dream cards and flower therapy cards, among others.

Shreya Gupta, a city-based angel card reader says that angel card readings offer positive messages for the day. “If you are having a bad day and are feeling low, reading an angel card will boost your confidence and make you feel positive.” They offer healing messages from the guardian angels.
For those who may confuse it with tarot cards, Prema clarifies that they are nothing like the latter. “Tarot cards are more structured and have 78 cards, whereas Oracle decks do not have a fixed number. Although in most card sets there are 44 cards, it can vary,” she explains.

In a tarot deck, there are 22 major arcana cards and 56 minor arcana cards. And just like in playing cards, tarot cards have four suits, with 14 cards — there is an additional page card like a feminine version of the Jack in a playing cards deck. In addition, there are 22 cards which are seen as major life changing cards.
“Angel cards are simpler in nature and give out a thought for the day and positive messages that one can relate to. Tarot cards are deeper and give an intense message,” says Shreya comparing angel cards with tarot cards.

Talking about the readings she does, Shreya points out that the healing process is magical. “For example, I start my day with a message and then, even if I am about to receive a depressing or shocking news, I am prepared and hence take it positively.” On the other hand, Prema says that she does most of her readings as a spiritual counselling, and “it helps people be more at peace with their self”.

Both these readings are generally done by observing a person’s aura (the energy people carry around them). “I can sense their aura. With their name and date of birth, I spread my deck of angel cards from which, I pick three. That will be the message for the person. The energy that person carries around determines the cards, too.”

Oracle and angel card reading are popular in the West. In India, however, it’s slowly catching up. Interestingly, there seem to be more women than men who get the reading done. “Lot of girls and women come to me for questions on relationships,” adds Shreya.

Shreya Gupta and Prema Sankar will be at the Enchanted Village — The Holistic Pop-Up at Humming Room today from 10 am to 8 pm. For details, call Sreya at: 9841953595, and Prema at: 9946129734