
‘Are you god? Show me your Aadhaar’

Pritha Banerjee

CHENNAI: Abirami Oli — human by fate, counsellor by training, actor by passion, unemployed by choice. The theatre actor, dancer and model was born in a wartorn country, moved to different lands. She is grateful to the universe for all the opportunities showered so far and is waiting for her big break in her acting career.

If you had to describe god to a child?
A source of energy that can provide unlimited chocolates and make you pass tests without studying.

Abirami Oli

Do you think god as a man or a woman?
So long as he isn’t Ko-Swami or Go-Swami I wouldn’t care. But god is definitely a woman...did you really think a man could pull off all this?

What would your first words to god be if he/she appeared in front of you?
You claim you are god? Show me your Aadhaar.

If there was a dare/challenge you would like to give god, what would it be?
Clean up India...thought you were all mighty, ey?

If you had the power to grant one gift to god, what would it be?
Offer all corrupt politicians as sacrifice, err… sorry I meant offer all ‘correct’ politicians to create paradise!

Your most godly encounter?
When my mother  magically whips up on my plate exactly what I was craving for in  my mind, on my way from work.

Funniest encounter in a place of worship?
A guy said I have to thank god for this wonderful meal. I said, yeah,’re sure she’s next door? You know... the goddess whose temple you are having this prasadam from, that She!

A quirky habit you have in terms of being spiritual or a God believer?
To look up at the ceiling/sky and converse with God.

If you had to prepare a joke about god and present it in front of him, what would it be?
I have been assigned the godly task of humouring you, but, you never bothered to install a single funny bone in my body, I suppose this is what you call KARMA!