
‘I am proof that god has a sense of humour’

Sooraj R Mohan

CHENNAI: Diptarka Ghosh is a Bengaluru-based standup comedian who successfully dropped out from college to do standup comedy full time. He is also a singer and a guitarist. He is a regular performer at Bay 146, Chennai.

How would you describe god to a child?
I would wait for him to grow up and make his own idea about it, because god should be a perception developed by themselves and not by others.

Is god a man or a woman?
I personally think god should be an entity, the moment we try to put a face, or a sex to it, it gets complicated.

What would you say to god if he/she appeared in front of you?
Have you come to take me? Does this mean I am going to heaven?

If there was a dare/challenge you would like to give god what would it be?
I’d dare him/her to dissolve all religions.

If you had the power to grant one gift to god, what would it be?
To go back and start afresh.

Most godly encounter?
When I saw my father cured of cancer.

What if god were an alien?
That would explain our existence and finally prove that we are from Mars.

Funniest encounter in a place of worship?
I confronted a chappal chor in a temple and he told me that he does it to change everyone’s fate as he believes people wear their fate in their shoes.

If there was one thing you’d want god to change, what would it be? Why?
Pahalaj Nihalani...we all know why!

A superpower you would wish for? What would you do with it?
I would like to be as fast as Flash so I could rob a bank and retire!

Which actor would you want god to look like? Why?
Jim Carrey or Meryl Streep...because Jim is fun and wise, Mery Streep looks friendly.

If you’re going to hell, who are the three people you’d want to see there? Why?
Zach Galifianakis, Robin Williams and John Mayer because I am sure that party is going to be insane!

A one liner that you would throw at god?
I am proof that you have a very good sense
of humour!

City you want to party with god?
Ibiza, of course!