
‘Divine drug’ that cures ulcers, gastric issues

N M Ganesh Babu

CHENNAI:Soma is the divine drug mentioned in the Vedas to attain the eternity. Half-a-dozen plant species are said to have the ‘soma’ properties described in the Vedic literatures, including Ayurveda. Ceropegia juncea Roxb. belonging to the family Apocynaceae, is one among them. The tubers and fleshy stems of this species are extensively used against various health issues, both in the codified and non-codified medical systems. The cooked tubers are eaten, which is said to be good for curing ulcers and gastritis complaints. Tubers are given to arrest diarrhoea and dysentery. In our folk traditions, stems crushed with milk is administered orally to cure ulcers.

C. juncea is a twining shrub, exudes watery latex when injured. Root-stocks are bulbous, stems fleshy, striated, with scaly leaves. Leaves are small usually one cm long and 0.2cm broad, lance-shaped, smooth, (sub)sessile, early caducous. Inflorescence is a Cyme, axillary, seven-flowered or sometimes solitary; peduncles c one cm long; pedicels six mm long. Corolla c four cm long, brownish-purple without, yellow within; tubes c 2 two cm long, inflated at the base, hairy at mouth inside; lobes 1.5 cm long, apically united. Fruits are follicles; each mericarp goes up to 18 x 0.6 cm, are linear, cylindrical and smooth. Seeds are many, c 6 x 4 mm, ovate, with white, silky coma.

It is found only in Indian peninsular states (Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha and West Bengal). It is found to grow in dry areas or tropical thorn forests along the wayside hedges and among the thickets. Flowering and fruits are observed during July to November. In Tamil, it is known as Pulichan; Kuri-Karalu (intestine of Sheep) and Bella-gadda in Telugu. The etymology of the name Ceropegia is from Greek, where ‘keros’, meaning candle wax and ‘pegnynai’ meaning assemblage in allusion to the beautiful chandelier-like inflorescences.

Plant Morphology
Leaves are small usually one cm long and 0.2cm broad, lance-shaped, smooth, (sub)sessile, early caducous. Fruits are follicles; each mericarp goes up to 18 x 0.6 cm, are linear, cylindrical and smooth. Seeds are many, c 6 x 4 mm, ovate, with white, silky coma.