
Should my Lab go on a diet?

Srividhya S

My four-year-old Lab weighs 40 kgs and we are concerned. Every time he sees us eat, he puts his face on my lap and looks so innocently that I can’t ignore him. The vet says he should lose at least five kg although he does not have any medical issue. What can I do?

Dog begging is one of the most common behaviour issues that owners face. Our dogs are so adorable that they know how to pull our heartstrings and we fall prey to their emotional manipulations. When they put their face on our laps and beg us for food, it seems impossible for us to say ‘No’. It is thus important for us to admit that we are doing this for their well being and there is no reason to be guilty. Once you get this mental determination, begging is one of the easiest behaviours to correct.

First thing to do – an obvious one – do not cave in and give food to a begging dog. Easier said than done, though. But what we don’t realise is that by having given food as a response to this behaviour in the past, you have reinforced this behaviour. He now knows that he can easily get away with a few nibbles by begging. If you change your stand and refuse to reward his begging, he will stop begging. Some people, while trying to refrain from giving food, tend to respond verbally trying to cajole or coax or even scold the dog. In doing so, you are attending to his attention-seeking behaviour.

Instead, completely ignore your dog. Do not look at him, touch him, make eye contact or talk to him. Ignore his tantrums. If it helps, move him out of the room or you walk away from him. Most attempts that fail in corrections happen mostly because parents feel sorry for the dog. This is uncalled for given that you are the one that feeds and cares for him.

A good training regimen that gives him sufficient physical exercise and mental stimulation is a must.
Most importantly, be strong, consistent and patient. He is going to take a while to understand the behaviour.