
A human life is a great blessing

Express News Service

Accept the traffic jam as the Will of God and tell yourself - “I will convert this traumatic situation into a blissful one.” Even if this delay means that you will miss an important appointment, don’t allow this to stress you. Chant and sing the name of God and enjoy every minute.

When you do this, the person whom you are supposed to meet will also be delayed and your appointment will still materialise and prove to be fruitful. This will make your life extraordinary.

So, never fill your life with tension. At the same time, never take anything for granted. When you see something beautiful for the first time, you feel that it is so wonderful, but as you keep looking at it day after day, it loses its wonder.

You take it for granted and stop appreciating its beauty. Don’t allow familiarity to blunt your perception and appreciation. When you treasure every moment of life, you retain your sense of wonder and nothing seems stale or boring. So, savour everything you do.

Just throw yourself into it heart and soul. For instance, when you sing, don’t be self-conscious.

Don’t try to listen to your own voice to see how it sounds. Just lose yourself in the melody and fervour.

Likewise, when you are preparing for an exam, simply get absorbed in the subject without worrying about the marks that you will get.

Cherish this opportunity to increase your knowledge and enjoy studying. Then you will automatically do well in the exam and score excellent marks.

Never do anything in life out of a sense of competition or comparison. Do everything with enthusiasm and commitment. Do you ever see a rose comparing itself with other flowers? No. Like each one of us, every flower is unique and beautiful.

There is no need for any comparison. If we have the habit of comparing ourselves with others, a feeling of competition or envy may spur us on to achievement, but we lose our happiness and peace of mind in this process.

That is why a truly extraordinary life is never based on comparison. It is simply the result of inner blossoming and expansion. This kind of blossoming is possible only in a human life.

A human life is a great blessing and a rare privilege. It is the result of many lifetimes of good deeds. Don’t waste a single minute of this precious gift.