
Ananda is found in divinity

Samartha Sadguru Shri Ganpatrao Maharaj

According to Thaymnar, the supreme peace, the great ananda, the ultimate happiness — all are found in this divinity. Here are some of the preachings of Thaymnar. 39) Celibacy is not prerequisite for attaining Salvation: It is possible for all to attain Salvation. We find that bachelor, married persons, and ascetic persons have obtained salvation, example, King Janaka the married person with so much responsibility was a Jnani similarly Tukaram, Ekanath were also married people Yajnavalkya had even two wivies. Bachelors like Samartha Ramadas, sm y Vivekanand and Shri Ramana Maharshi and ascetic like Shri Shankaracharya were all Jnanis and attained salvation. So based on one’s own mental state one has to choose either  bachelor hood, married life or asceticism. The most important thing is to have intense desire to attain salvation or Moksha. So all can attain salvation with the help of Sadguru.

■ A busy man has got time for everything:

When a person takes initiation from a Sadguru, he is supposed to carry out Sadhana as directed by one Guru. But due to his involvement in day to day activities, he says he has no time for sadhana as if Sadhana is not his duty. A busy man can do somany jobs at a time. He finds time for every thing. There is no meaning in Sadhaka saying he is busy. If Sadhaka does not perform Sadhana he is either not really interested in spirituality or he is lazy. So busy man has time for everything and lazy man has no time for any thing.

■ Who is happy : Every one thinks that others are happy. One may earn lacks of rupees but he may not get every thing that he wants. One feels that something or the other is deficient when that particular thing is there with others, he feels that person is happy and vice versa. The real happiness is not in material objects. The real happiness is not only within us but he is happiness.

■ Who is real donor: Every one should donate as per one status for the good of the people. A rich man donate lakhs of rupees this is part of his savings after spending for luxury. If a person who can hardly meet both ends gives even few rupees it would be at the cost of his basic needs. it is not the quantity that matters but the sentiment behind giving.

■ Give due value for horse and saddle: When one wants to travel both horse and saddle are required. Saddle does give comforts but one cannot travel on saddle alone so one should give due value to both horse and saddle. Similarly one has to lead both material and spiritual life simultaneously for leading a happy life.

We do get happiness in material life but it is momentary. To get everlasting happiness one has to lead spiritual life. Once we realise this, naturally we give due importance to both.

The sacred saying of Samratha Sadguru Shri Ganpatrao Maharaj Kannur, compiled by Shyamarao B Kannur