
Enjoy the blissful state of happiness

Samartha Sadguru Shri Ganpatrao Maharaj

Give up the interest in worldly objects: It is of no use if we simply repeat that Brahman is real and the world is unreal.

 Many of the disciples do not take the discourse seriously and listen to the discourse in order to master the art of giving discourse.

 They never understand the basic fact that the Jnana explained in the discourse is meant for them and that they should cultivate dispassion.

 True dispassion consists of having that, a firm attitude deep in one’s mind.

 It consists of realising that this worldly life is basically an illusion.

 It should manifest in our day to day life.

 If we don’t react and don’t grumble to the various events that takes place, for example, honour or dishonour and remain calm and unperturbed then one can say that, he has really understood what has been said in the discourse.

 This is possible if Shravana is followed by manana and Nidhyasana.

 Supreme Goal is hidden within you: We should put into practice what we listen to in discourses.

 Remember that the listening part is only the preparation in the gym which strengthens you to face the actual situations when they happen.

 No event in the world should disturb the Sadhaka greatly or for long.

 The attainment of the inner-state where adverse happenings do not have any impact is called practical Vedanta.

 Fearless, complete absence of worry and nonimpact of events on the mind should become firmly rooted in the Sadhaka.

 The truth, the supreme goal is hidden within you, in your heart.

 Bring it out, through Jnana and dispassion and keep on experiencing the bliss of Atman all the time.

 It is possible when Sadhaka, after listening to discourses, go back to his room to enjoy the experience of Ananda instead of switching their interest in worldly affairs and merging themselves into the worldly matters in their mind.

 Abandoning your desire and want: It is possible to carry out the worldly tasks efficiently in as little time as possible and then switch to the practice of being Atman.

 It is not necessary to engage yourself in worrying about something and think about being the doer or think about the results, the praise or blame and think that the work would be completed only if you engage your mind in some such way.

 In fact there will be no loss of efficiency if the person doing the work retains his belief that he is Atman.

The sacred sayings of Samartha Sadguru Shri Ganpatrao Maharaj Kannur, compiled by Shyamarao B Kannur