
Do your inner Sadhana without any excuses

Samartha Sadguru Shri Ganpatrao Maharaj

Outward thoughts are well entrenched in the mind.

 This should be countered with the thought that I am Atman.

 Once the mind is turned inwards there will no longer need to say ‘I’ am Atman.

 The ego cover the real ‘I’ that is Atman.

 We have to remove this ego.

 Till you have firmly turned the mind inward you must keep chanting Shivoham.

 Once the ego is removed, the thing that has always been in existence alone will remain.

 This fundamental state is the state of peace the state of Jnana or awareness which remains as it is.

 The experience of this even for a short duration makes the Sadhaka very happy and so he should settle down in his own fundamental natural state and attain perfection.

 Look for benefit from spiritual discourses: Most of the people, when they want to buy some articles, will be attracted by pomp and show, glitter and ambiance of the shop and don’t bother about reason ability of price.

 Similarly people, attending a discourse will give more importance to speaker’s look his oratory skills and status.

 But well-informed Sadhaka critically evaluates the words of a speaker to find their real worth and concentrates on the benefits he derives in his spiritual progress.

 It is rare indeed to come across on Jnana by a person who has experienced it.

 Such Jnani realised one and only one thing — the Atman.

 He sees the same Atman in every one.

 Just as he has abundant love for himself, he has love for all which comes to him naturally.

 A Jnani does not look for returns and his love is genuine and without a motive since he looks upon every one Atman and his love is spontaneous.

 Happiness and misery depends upon the mind: We get many opportunities in life to be happy but the fickleness of mind comes in the way.

 If the mind is in joyous mood you enjoy even the stale food but when you are in a bad mood, you will not enjoy even the delicious food, in a luxurious setting.

 So to be happy stop depending on external things or circumstances and learn to keep the mind in joyous mood.

 For this one has to perform intense Sadhana and must be positively inclined towards practice and self studies.

 He should not bother about others comments and do not tax your brain by giving undue attention to the tasks of worldly affairs.

 Don’t waste all your energy for worldly activities and reduce the time on such activities.

 So that you can devote more time for the Sadhana.

 Out of sheer laziness Sadhaka often postpone Sadhanas and deprive himself of the happiness it gives.

 Concentrate on inner Sadhana: There are two types of Sadhanas namely external and inward looking.

 The Sadhana involving physical activities like worship Bhajan or prayer and service are external Sadhakas’ ‘Sadhdana involving concentration on one’s thoughts or it could be thought free are inward looking Sadhana.

 Both are important.

 External Sadhana should serve to turn the mind of the Sadhanas inwards keeping this is mind the Sadhaka should mainly concentrate on carrying out the inner Sadhana and take up external Sadhanas to support the inner Sadhana.

 Sadhana should use every opportunity in the midst of day to day activities to turn his attention for inward Sadhana.

 Instead of indulging in wishful thinking centered around greed, desire and selfish interest, use the time available to look inward to be in tune with your own self.

 When you know that the feeling of Shivoham and thought free meditation give rise to great happiness, do your inner ‘Sadhana’ without giving any excuses.

The sacred sayings of Samartha Sadguru Shri Ganpatrao Maharaj Kannur, compiled by Shyamarao B Kannur