
Trust your capacity to achieve goals

Shri Nimishananda Guruji

In this way, using the power of discrimination that has been activated in us by our breath, we should constantly evaluate what enhances our peace and joy and what depletes them.

This is an indicator of which activities, circumstances, associations and relationships connect us to our soul and which ones disconnect us from it.

This very awareness will help us to eliminate the ones that are having a detrimental effect on us, thus reducing the thoughts in the mind.

This can be compared to the activity of a good gardener who maintains a beautiful garden.

He identifies and removes all the weeds periodically so that the right plants can grow unhindered.

When we remove the mental weeds of negative thoughts, distracting activities, associations, relationships, weaknesses, deficiencies and negative tendencies, the mind expands and all the divine powers within us get enough space to blossom.

As we eliminate such tendencies, we should resolve, “I am anchored to my soul which is the source of infinite bliss and peace.

This tendency, this situation, this person or this relationship cannot do anything from now on to spoil my peace of mind.

It will never bother me ever again.

Even if it crops up in my life once more, I will not allow it to shatter my inner peace.

No evil, no sorrow, no person and no situation can affect me negatively anymore because the very source of joy is within me.

So, I am no longer dependent on anybody or anything externally for my peace and happiness.

” Whenever we make this resolution, we are strengthening our connection with our soul and it fills us with peace and confidence.

This article is taken from the book Between You and Me — Meditation Made Simple by His Holiness Shri Shri Nimishananda Guruji