
These musicians have got the funk

Akshatha Shetty

Characterised by gloomy sound scapes, rich vocal harmonies and psychedelic swirls, alternative rock has now come of age in our country. Considered as the vanguard of a new musical movement, this genre gave several bands an opportunity to voice their opinions on social issues and the current system.

Breaking from the barrage of commercial metal, alternative rock musicians soon created an identity that began to coalesce around bands that gave us groundbreaking music. Likewise, staying true to the spirit of rock, funk-alternative band Frank’s Got the Funk have developed progressive sounds heavily influenced by electronic rock.

"Our music is groovy and tight. We experiment a lot with heavy sounds, intricate hooks and prominent vocal lines. We use our music as a means of communicating what we believe in to the masses. Lyrics are based on our own experiences and of course the 'basic morals' which we have forgotten today," said the band members who were in the city recently.

Launched in 2009, Frank's Got the Funk comprises of Bjorn Surrao (the band’s front man and vocalist), Vikram Ashok (keyboards and synth), Sajith Satya (bass and backing vocals), Shashank Vijay (drums) and Merwyn Christopher (lead guitarist). The band has another member Frank, an alter-ego, who pens down lyrics for all the songs. "We use our alter ego quite a bit to voice our opinions on subjects that are considered taboo in this country. And, Frank is just an imaginary character. Our songs are based on his life and experiences. Frank usually wears tall hats and during our live shows we all wear them just to personify the character and tell people about him," they said.

Within a few years of bursting onto the music scene, the Chennai-based band has earned quite a reputation for experimenting with high octane and eccentric sounds. With shades of blues, jazz and quintessential funk in their songs, the band has evolved to greater musical heights today. "Our sound is big. We have the whole 'in your face' element in our compositions. Our tunes will always keep the listeners up and pumping. For instance, our recent single Corvus has a dark and twisted vibe to it. Everything from the rhythm, melody to hook, the song is a tad heavier compared to our other tracks. We try to bring in different musical flavours with each of our compositions. And, that works for us," they added.