
Allow dreams to become your destiny

Express News Service

The fast food outlet of KFC has made its appearance in many Indian cities. There are hundreds of such outlets all over the world. The yearly income of this fast food chain runs into several millions of dollars. The person who laid the foundation for this successful chain was one Colonel Sanders.

At an age when he should have been enjoying the relaxed lifestyle of a retired person - at sixty-three - he could not live his life without a goal. He was neither a Harvard graduate nor came from a very rich family. He knew how to fry chicken that was juicy inside and crisp outside. He took the recipe and approached many restaurants. Several hoteliers turned him away, without even reading his recipe! But he did not lose heart. He did not give up his efforts. He went to many cities and gave his recipe to other hoteliers. Aged as he was, he climbed the steps of many, many restaurants. The total number of restaurants he approached was 1,006! He was the personification of perseverance. For two long years, he continued his relentless efforts and finally one hotelier evinced some interest in his recipe. The rest is history. Today, the world over, Kentucky Fried Chicken - KFC is famous!

Attitude is more important than mere dry facts. Colonel Sanders had an attitude of ‘I can’ rather than ‘I can’t’. ‘Cans’ create Success, ‘Cants’ create Failure.

Sir Winston Churchill had delivered a number of energizing orations. Once he was invited to deliver a speech to a youthful audience.

He spoke only one sentence. That sentence today has become a quotation used by many others. He said — ‘Never, never, never give up!’ Winners never Quit, Quitters never Win. Believe in the impossible and allow your dreams to become your destiny.