
Lord Shiva is an equaliser and removes all our excesses

Shri Nimishananda Guruji

As the Divine Mother of all beings, Devi is the personification of unconditional love. All that She wants from us is our love and devotion. She waits for us to call Her with love. Devi responds to our love, Lord Krishna responds to surrender and Lord Rama responds to a principled life. This is not to say that any one form of Divinity is superior to the other.

Definitely not. Each form of Divinity has a certain frequency of vibration and some unique characteristics. This can be compared to the numerous TV channels that offer their own special programmes which we can watch when we tune in to the frequency of that particular channel. Each person decides which programme to watch and which channel to tune in to. This depends on our own personal likes and dislikes.

Likewise, our predominant strengths and qualities decide which particular form of Divinity we worship. Due to these qualities we are automatically attracted to that form. When we worship it, the frequency that is enshrined in that form activates a  synchronous response in us. So it is always good to be aware of the divine principles  symbolized by the deity that attracts us.

So also, each epoch has its own principal deities whose Grace is very important to us. In the Kali Yuga, Shiva and Shakti are the “Pradhanya Devatas” or Principal Deities. This keeps changing from yuga to yuga. So today let us offer our reverence at the feet of Shiva and Shakti. Kali Yuga still has many, many years to go. It began after the Mahabharata 5,500 years ago and around 1,38,000 years of the Kali Yuga still remain. During the festival of Shravana Navaratri, Shiva and Shakti sit on the summit of Mount Gouri Shankar and decide how many Souls should be reborn in the Kali Yuga and the circumstances that those Souls will encounter.

If we immerse ourselves in rigorous sadhana, Shakti tells Shiva - “This Soul is chanting divine mantras to tune in to Our divine frequencies. Though it has not yet attained eligibility for liberation, let us give this Soul the conducive circumstances which are required to attain liberation in the very next life.” So everyday we should sit down and pray to Devi with complete humility - “Mother, I know nothing. Please hold my hand and lead me.” Then we should begin chanting the Lalitha Sahasranama Mantra chosen for today “OM SWADHEENA VALLABHAYEI NAMAHA” meaning “I offer my salutations to Devi who has dissolved the strength of Her Beloved Lord Shiva into Herself.”

What is the main characteristic of Lord Shiva? He denotes complete equipoise. He is an equalizer and removes all our excesses. If any of our tendencies increase and upset our internal balance, He draws it into Himself and destroys it. He looks at all our energy frequencies and corrects the imbalances bringing them to a state of complete equilibrium. That is why we chant Rudram and Chamakam before Him. We are essentially saying - “Ishwara I do not know what imbalances exist in me. Please rectify all my energies and establish me in a state of equipoise.” So when we stand before the deity of Lord Shiva in the temple, we should ask for nothing, but simply chant the Panchakshari Mantra or any other Shiva Mantra and open ourselves to His Grace which will do all that needs to be done. If we wish we can also get an abhisheka performed so that we are purified of all imbalances.

Devi dissolves Lord Shiva with all His strengths into Herself. Lord Shiva alternates between the state of static meditation and dynamic dance. If we activate Him, He comes out of His meditation and begins to dance. We do not know how to manage Lord Shiva. Devi has to do this for us. Today Devi intercedes on our behalf and tells Lord Shiva - “Please do as I ask today.” Therefore we should sit before Devi and Lord Shiva tonight and chant this mantra mentally for at least two hours. Then Devi will remove our problems and She will also endow us with the power to resolve the problems of others. All that we need to do is chant Her name with the bhavana of Bhakti or devotion. Then we are tuned to the frequencies of Shiva and Shakti who will manifest themselves in us. May the Grace of the Divine Mother and Lord Shiva remove all your imbalances so that you attain a state of equipoise.

Extract from ‘The book of direct truths, subtle truths and the mystical truths of Devi Mahatmyam’ by Shri Shri Nimishananda