
Curiosity Killed the Cat but is Sure to Make You Wiser!

Aanandika Sood

Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.

In a series of short papers by Samuel Johnson, called The Rambler, appears this quote. amuel Johnson, often referred to as Dr Johnson, was an English writer who contributed hugely to English Literature and is probably best known for his compilation called A Dictionary of English Language, more commonly known and often printed as Johnson’ Dictionary — probably amongst the most influential dictionaries in English language.

Thinkers, writers and researchers agree that curiosity is a very important trait. What is curiosity? Curiosity comes from the Latin word curiosus which means careful and diligent. Curiosity is the quality to think of things beyond what is in front of you. This is the major force behind scientific research and many discoveries. If people were not curious or to use the common English phrase, if their curiosity was not piqued, we would probably be living in a lesser world.

It is the curious nature of human beings that has taken us to many unexplored frontiers such as outer space and earth’s centre. Curiosity can simply be said to be the urge to find out more. Have you ever come across something that you did not know much about but wanted to acquire more information about? It happens with us all. Often when we are exposed to new information, our brain kicks in to gear and we find ourselves thirsting to know more.

A prerequisite for curiosity is interest. Interest leads you to ask questions. This is where curiosity comes in to play. Curiosity can go on and on and so can the list of your questions regarding a certain matter. Being curious helps you in many ways. Here are the most basic ways:

■ Active mind: when you see and question, your mind actively seeks answers. It becomes more alert to be able to recognise information that might be of interest to you. Like any muscle that grows stronger the more it is flexed, your brain develops better when you continue to keep it occupied in one or other pursuit.

■ New ideas: If you are curious about something, you will be able to recognise the new ideas that are being generated regarding the subject. If you are curious you become open to new ideas and newer possibilities which are generally hidden from naked eye.

So as you remain interested and become ‘curiouser’ you give yourself an opportunity to get in touch with the unexplored.

■ Builds excitement: If you were standing outside a cave, would you be curious to know what lies inside or what is at the other end of it? Wouldn’t that be exciting? Yes it would be. Excitement harbours enthusiasm and in turn enthusiasm fans eagerness, in this case to learn.

So now that we know how important it is to be curious, here are a few tips to develop the habit:

■ Keep an open mind and accept possibilities. If you haven’t done it or thought of it, doesn’t mean something is not possible.

■ Ask questions. Don’t stop yourself even if they sound unintelligent to you. The why, where, when, what and how have immense power to transform the world. Albert Einstein remarked, “The important thing is not to stop questioning”. So, go ahead and ask what is brewing inside your head.

■ Diverse reading is one way to acquire new knowledge and this will surely lead you to newer questions. When you read about different subjects and expose yourself to different information, you might find yourself enjoying something totally different and unexpected.

Give yourself the opportunity and stay curious.