
Scolded by Neighbours, Boy Climbs Power Line

Express News Service

Tension gripped Electronics City’s busy neighbourhood on Friday afternoon after a 14-year-old boy climbed an electric pole carrying high-tension power lines and threatened to end his life as he was scolded by neighbours and friends for stealing a mobile phone.

Hundreds of locals gathered to watch the high drama even as BESCOM staff and police rushed to the spot and finally managed to bring him down.

Police said that Durgaprasad alias Ramesh, son of Satyanarayana, who works as a security guard with a private company, climbed the power line at Celebrity Layout in Electronics City around 3.45 pm and tried to catch the live wires even as he was shouting at the people gathered there.

The local police, who were informed, rushed to the spot and immediately informed the BESCOM staff to shut down the power in the area.

Police said Ramesh, who is mentally unstable, used to be alone at home when his parents went out for work. On Friday, his father bought a second-hand mobile and gave it him to him so that he could keep in touch. But he showed it to his friends and neighbours who allegedly scolded him that he had stolen the phone.  Upset over this, he climbed the electricity pole and tried to end his life. After a one-and-half-hour rescue operation, the BESCOM staff and police brought him down and took him to the police station for enquiry. Electronics City police are investigating.