
Self-discipline forms the root of all virtues

Express News Service

Honour and recognition are the two basic demands of every human being. For some people these are very prominent, and in some cases they remain silent or hidden within the self. We feel humiliated and frustrated if we do not get proper value and respect from people. This automatically generates self negligence which is a barrier to individual success and contentment.

Self respect teaches us to praise our own demands, encourage our performances and respect our existence. Hence, self admiration has a direct influence on the actions performed by an individual. Self respect is a priceless asset of one’s life. It is an experience of being deserving and feeling worthy as a human being.

Self respect must vibrate with talents such as self acceptance, self knowledge, honesty, integrity, wisdom, and above all self discipline.

Self awareness is a mission and once we accomplish it we get awakened and enlightened knowing our real soul which is pure and genuine. It leads to self knowledge which is an authentic experience of our inner self. Self knowledge is a person’s own asset; it is the dignity which one holds for himself. Every individual is blessed with certain qualities and our self knowledge makes us aware about those talents and these assist us to realize our strengths and weaknesses, potentials and drawbacks.

A true knowledge about our own-selves enables us to have a control over our actions and emotions. Self knowledge helps us to resist the ruthless prosecution of any unwanted situation in life.

Self acceptance means giving value to our individuality, accepting us the way we are. As human beings we all are granted with some values which are different from the rest. The uniqueness of human life lies in its characters, traits, actions and performances.

Self acceptance is the final verdict of the true seeker in finding out the basic reality of human life. We were never born to put and adjust our feet into someone else’s shoes.

It means adoring our life and being in love with our own individuality before anybody could recognize it. It gives us the confidence to face all challenges in life; the application of this virtue eventually crowns us with self respect.

Self discipline is the final input of self respect; it means fixing our objectives and nurturing them throughout our lives. It indicates one’s approach and conduct towards life. In our lifetime, we face miscellaneous situations when we tend to lose our self control and end up reacting violently. But our actions and emotions are completely under control once we attain self discipline in life. Hence, it forms the primary basis of individual self respect.

Self ignorance is an evil; it is the devil’s follower. It generates from our unawareness and leads us to the unknown zone of obscurity. Self learning is the only spirit to avoid such detrimental circumstances in life. However, self learning has never been a part of any curriculum. This is simply a mind task and no one till date has created any module on it.

Self learning means knowing the self; which means, gaining knowledge through continuous experiments and assessments of the self.

Success requires talent, effort, willingness and moreover self discipline to receive it. Now, when we say ‘self discipline’, we really do not refer to timeliness. Self discipline is a quality, a habit or a practice to develop the art of living.  Self discipline is the root of all virtues. To be morally free, to be more than a human being; man must be able to resist his instinctive impulses which can be done by the continuous exercise of self control.

Therefore, self respect and self discipline are two integrated attributes of human life and have enormous advantages not only in accomplishing the objectives of life but also in brining happiness in the personal front. Self discipline is an art to knowledge what we perceive which makes our actions transparent. Whereas, self respect as an awakened sense should encourage tolerance, understanding and goodwill.   

An enhanced self respect and improved self learning creates the ultimate ecstasy, the final symphony of life. Self learning is a powerful force which calls for a rebellion again any negativity in our soul.

Hence, self learning is not a challenge; it’s an opportunity which only requires a gradual expansion of the thought process about us and a true introduction of our self respect. Finally, practice has no alternative. We cannot lose our self respect once we earn it. So, we need to practice all our good virtues deliberately in order to live a life with high esteem.