
MERS scare puts Bangalore Airport on toes

Express News Service

Officials at the Bangalore International Airport have started screening passengers returning from the Gulf region for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Coronavirus. The virus infects the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and can prove fatal.

The precautions are being taken in view of the returning Haj pilgrims, and are in line with international standards and recommendations made by the World Health Organisation.

Confirming the screening, Director of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases, Dr Shashidhar Buggi told Express, “Airport health officials referred a 35-year-old woman passenger, a resident of Ananthpur, yesterday afternoon. The patient was not serious and hence refused to get admitted. She was examined and her swabs were collected for further investigation.” Health Minister U T Khader said the screening procedure is being done from Sunday.

“No case was reported from Mangalore airport. But, after this recent development, all passengers returning from Middle East are being subjected to screening,” said Khader.