
Nothing learnt is ever forgotten

Anil Sharma

During the first few years of one’s life the ego has but little hold over its vehicles, and therefore looks to its parents to help it to obtain a firmer grasp and to provide it with suitable conditions. It is impossible to exaggerate the plasticity of these unformed vehicles. Much as can be done with the physical body in its early years as in the case of children trained as acrobats for example, far more can be done with the astral and mental vehicles. They thrill in response to every vibration they encounter, and are eagerly receptive of all influences, good or evil, emanating from those around them.  In early youth they are so susceptible and so easily moulded, but very soon they set and stiffen and acquire habits which, once firmly established, can be altered only with great difficulty. Thus to a far larger extent than is realised by even the fondest parents, the child’s future is under their control. A very striking instance is recorded where the brutality of a teacher irreparably injured the astral and mental tendencies of a child so as to make it impossible for the child in this life to make the full progress that was hoped for it. So vitally important is the early environment of a child that the life in which adeptship is attained must have absolutely perfect surroundings in childhood.

Even though the majority of individuals must undergo many earthly incarnations before freedom and liberation is found, still it is equally true that when a soul reaches the stage of spiritual development in which the ties of earth no longer bind it, then it is impossible that such a soul can be held to the round of earthly incarnation.  Such a soul is attracted toward other spheres, where the attractions of earth do not exist. Its karma carries it away from earth, not toward it. However, this is the condition of only very few, although little by little every soul will experience it in the aeons to come. In the next chapter a brief description of the higher planes to which this class of souls who have gone beyond reincarnation will be given. Even such souls must pass through the soul-slumber after their life on the causal plane before they can proceed further. In such cases they lose in their sleep all that is left of the confining sheaths of earth-desire, and throw aside all the fruits of earth action except that which is called liberation and freedom. Such souls never again awaken on earth, nor do they ever return there, unless, they voluntarily revisit earth as great spiritual teachers. Such souls have worn the garb of humans, now and then throughout the ages, but have always been far more than an ordinary human. There are planes of existence higher than causal plane and blessed indeed is the soul which awakens from its soul-slumber and finds itself in even the most humble of these exalted states. Even the wisest sages bow in reverence at the mention of such spheres of existence, which even transcend human imagination.

Rebirth its causes and mechanism

Nothing learnt is ever forgotten.  One is one’s own judge, bestower and executioner.  Understood and mastered desires bear no karmic fruit of future action. It is love that is at the back of all upward tendencies of the soul. The soul is reborn because of its desires for further experiences and opportunity for unfoldment. There is no force applied to an individual for rebirth.  Cosmic will appears in the ego as a desire for manifestation. Many souls choose rebirth to be of service to humanity. The ego draws together all the necessary materials needed for its next birth so as to fulfill its karma.  They are the germs of qualities needed.  Knowledgeable parents can have a positive effect on the development of negative traits in the child. In the early years of development the child has easily molded and impressionable vehicles. There are planes higher than the causal plane where even the wisest stage bows in reverence.

The article is taken from the book Life Beyond Death by Anil Sharma