
Pregnancy tress test

Express News Service

Pregnancy takes a great toll on women’s bodies. The hormonal changes affect several physical changes, and the hair is no exception. So going the extra length with hair care during those special months becomes necessary.

There is rising need for proteins, iron and other nutrients which is the main reason behind hair changes during pregnancy. Although these changes are temporary and vanish once the baby arrives, a woman goes through an irritable time during those nine months due to the same.

Speaking to City Express, trichologist Apoorva Shah lists  simple tricks that will curb hair concerns during pregnancy.

Ask your doctor about vitamin and mineral supplements available. Vitamin B, Biotin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc promote healthy hair growth, but supplements for the same should be taken on the doctor’s advice to ensure that there is no effect on the growing baby.

Avoid hairstyles that might pull or stress hair. Cornrows, weaves and braids are not advisable during pregnancy. Also one should avoid using hair rollers which can pull the hair tightly.

Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Not only are they good for your baby but they are a safe way to promote nutrients essential for growth of hair.

Shampoo your hair with thickening shampoos containing ingredients like biotin. When hair is wet, one should be extra gentle with it. Comb it only with a wide-toothed comb or wait until it is semidry before combing or brushing.

Avoiding shampoo with the fear of baby catching cold and drenching hair with oil is a very common practice amongst young mothers. Such poor hygiene is a sure recipe for hair fall. Oil should not be kept more than 24 hours and one should shampoo regularly.

Post partum iron and calcium supplements should be continued during period of lactation. Depletion of body reservoirs can cause severe hair fall.

To ensure a good crop of hair even after pregnancy, ensure you are on a balanced diet consisting of adequate fruits and vegetables. Eat fruits rich in flavonoids since they are antioxidants and protect the hair follicles.

Massage your hair regularly. After delivery, most women channel their efforts into the baby and stop looking after themselves. This also adds to their hair woes. Good grooming, especially of the hair, is absolutely essential to retain the growth and luster of hair after childbirth. Also ensure that your hormonal balances are in place and there is minimal stress involved in your daily life.