
4,000 Turn Up for Cycle Day in Yelahanka

Express News Service

BANGALORE: Residents of Yelahanka New Town played host to Cycle Day on Sunday, kicking off the event at Allalasandra Lake.

More than  4000 cyclists and residents from across Bangalore gathered at 6.30 am near the lake and took part in the event organised by the Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT) in association with some local organisations.

The day included cycling around Yelahanka New town and the surrounding areas. People also learnt yogasanas.

Many revisited their childhood by playing traditional games like Chowka Bhara, Kuntabille, Lagori, marbles, Snake and Ladder, kite flying on the lake bank and also passing the ball, chess and gully cricket, volleyball and throwball.

One of the highlights of the day was a group performing traditional folk dance forms of Dollu Kunitha and Huli Vesha.

About 250 cycles were made available at the venue. Participants could rent these for free by submitting an original photo ID.