
Embedded Tracker is Safer: Expert

Express News Service

BENGALURU: Can a cab be tracked if the driver switches off his GPS-enabled mobile phone? No. Which is why a GPS device installed in the cab is a more secure option, says an expert. Shyam Ramamurthy, Chief Technology Officer for Northstar, a company that provides GPS services for school buses, explains how it works.

What’s the  difference?

A dedicated GPS device has a number of advantages over a cell phone used for GPS. It is usually more accurate than a cellphone GPS and consumes less power. It is connected directly to the car battery, and does not require the driver to ensure it is charged. It is also more rugged as it comes in an aluminum case. An inbuilt system also sends out alerts on speeding and route violations. This is done at the hardware level, whereas, in a phone, it will have to be coded.

The only way the driver can tamper with our device is if he disconnects it from the battery (the tracker comes with a four-hour built-in backup battery) or cuts the antennae. If the wires are cut, the device stops transmitting signals and bears physical evidence of tampering. We generally fit the device inside the dashboard, where it is not visible to the driver.

Recruiters' Diligence

Sean Blagsvedt, CEO of Babajob, an online job site, says, “Jobseekers and employers are requested to verify their mobile numbers before they can see contact information.” Drivers are asked to provide a unique ID to help employers check the police database for any crimes. Sites such as Babajob also offer address verification for a fee.