
Recreation Vs Re-Creation

Robin Sharma

BENGALURU: After a tiring day at work, it is so easy to curl up on the couch and spend the next three or four hours watching television. The irony is that, if you are like most people, you actually feel more fatigued after watching too much TV than you felt when you first sat down. Recreation is tremendously important to a balanced life. But recreation must serve to re-create you.

Recreation must restore you and bring you back to life. Real recreation will fill you with a renewed sense of optimism and energy. True recreation connects you to the highest and best within you while rekindling your  inner life. As Plato noted, “My belief is not that the good body by any bodily excellence improves the soul, but, on the contrary, that the good soul, by her own excellence, improves the body as far as this may be possible.”  Effective recreation then must involve some pursuit that soothes your soul.