
Serve the Lord With Mind, Speech and Action

Shri Nimishananda Guruji

BANGALORE: Shloka 28: Karmana manasa vaca nityam aradhayed gurum Dirgha dandam namaskrtya nirlajjo gurusannidhau.

Prostrate fully before the Guru without reserve and continually serve the Guru with mind, speech and action. Lord Shiva through this shloka directs us towards effectively using our body mind and intellect. He says, human beings, out of the 8,40,000 species created by God are the only beings that are gifted with the power of action, thought and speech. While, all other living beings can only absolve their respective past life karma in their present birth as an animal, they cannot generate fresh karma.Only human beings can generate fresh karma through their thoughts, speech and actions.

Knowingly or unknowingly, human beings are indulged in activities that generate good as well as bad karmas in different proportions depending upon the vasanas or tendencies of various lifetimes as well as their cultural upbringing – samskaar of this lifetime.

Lord Shiva says we must understand why God has bestowed us human beings with these powers and utilize them effectively in fulfilling the purpose of our life.

For this, Lord Shiva says we must dedicate our body, mind and speech in seva of the Guru. For this, we must first remember the Guru’s form constantly. Then, our body will be blessed to become the storehouse of

Guru’s power, our speech becomes the voice of our Guru, which is nothing but the voice of our conscience, and the mind becomes the cosmic mind. Therefore, we must worship the Guru with body, mind and speech. Every thought, speech and action should be meaningful and be dedicated to the Guru. Only then can we move out of the clutches of being mechanical and become practically spiritual. Even actions of reverence such as prostration at the Lotus Feet of the Guru, should be performed with great reverence and without any inhibition.

We must prostrate completely in front of the Guru. This is because, every particle of dust near the Guru’s Lotus Feet or where he resides vibrates with the energy of the cosmos. When we prostrate with this awareness, then, automatically we will be able to leverage the potent energy even from the dust particle of the Guru’s Lotus Feet.

As we consciously start using our body, mind and speech dedicating it to divinity, we will realise the whole of cosmos within us and assimilate its immense power. There will be no negative influence and impact of the kali - negative force in this dark age of materialism.

The holy abode of the Guru becomes the shelter to protect us from adversities of the Kali Yuga. We will live in this Dark Age and yet will not be influenced by it. Instead we will be experiencing the Satya Yuga where all good wishes born out of good, noble sankalpa will be immediately fulfilled.

The most important tattva or truth revealed in this shloka of Guru Gita is that we must, in every part of our body, each and every nerve in our body, must chant the name of the Guru.

This is what the bhakti saints did. Every pore of their being was only oozing out with the power of their Lord. That is because they had dedicated their speech, thoughts and actions to their Lord. They were brimming with devotion and bliss.

That is how Sage Narada authored the Narada Bhakti Sutras after experiencing supreme devotion or para bhakti.