
Weave Your Own Fabric

Varsha Gopinathan

BANGALORE: Using cardboard or packaging material and some yarn, you can weave your own fabric. Here’s how:

How to make it

Step 1:

Make markings 1 cm apart on two opposite sides of the cardboard base the top and bottom of the cardboard and cut it (not too deep)

Step 2:

Leaving an excess length hanging outside, take the thread through the left-most cut on one side and pass it through the corresponding cut left on the opposite side. Then take the thread behind the next notch on the same side and through the corresponding notch on the side you started with. Continue this till you reach the right-most notch. Ensuring you leave enough length of the thread to cut it

Step 3:

Take another piece of thread and pass it through from left to right, alternatively under and over the threads that form the frame. On completion of each line, move it closer to the line just above it. When you near the end of thread and want to continue further, just leave a tail of a few inches hanging off the side and cut a length of yarn of the same of different a colour and start weaving

Step 4:

Once you are done weaving cut the loops on the top and bottom and tie the ends to keep your freshly-woven fabric in place. Do not pull the string too tight. To ensure uniform width, hold to the one end of the loom with your thumb while you weave through strings