
How to Prepare Your Skin for Hectic Socialising

Dr Chytra V Anand

QUEEN’S ROAD:This is the season of brides and bridesmaids and no matter which category you belong to, this is how you get ready for the special moments awaiting you.

Plan ahead

Pamper yourself and your skin with homemade remedies or time at the spa at least eight  to 12 weeks before the big day.

Cleanse judiciously

No matter what your skin care practices were up until now, as the special day approaches, do not go to bed without thoroughly cleansing your skin. All traces of makeup, especially mascara, must be removed at bedtime. One night of sleep with makeup on your face can leave  your skin looking dull, dry and blotchy.

Scrub gently 

A good exfoliating scrub can help remove dead and dull skin cells from the surface of the skin and a clean face allows your makeup to stay on longer and look smoother and fresher. But, don’t stop there. All exposed areas need to be scrubbed.

Arms, elbows, knees, feet, legs, you name it. You can even make your own body scrub using sugar and olive oil! A good exfoliation followed by a great moisturiser will help your skin look and feel soft, smooth and radiant.

Treat your hair well

For any style to look good, you need beautiful and healthy hair. Keep things simple and close to your personal comfort zone. Think classic, not trendy. By planning your look well in advance, you will surely eliminate unnecessary stress. Get regular cuts and do not forget a hot oil hair massage, at least twice a week.

Get your hair trimmed to eliminate any split ends which keep hair from looking polished and smooth. Do any trimming or cutting about two -three weeks before the wedding day, so it looks completely fresh and natural.

Focus on fitness

Eat healthy, work out regularly and sweat the stress out a couple of months in advance so that you are at the peak of your fitness when the big day arrives.

The author is a cosmetic dermatologist