
Muslim Scholars Discuss Madrassa Modernisation

Express News Service

BENGALURU: The Peace for Economy Conference kicked off in the city on Sunday. The conference highlighted on what the rise of Tawazun Movement means for India.

Tawazun Foundation was established by Muslim intellectuals from Turkey, Morocco, UAE, and India to identify the current problem in the Islamic world. Highlighting the need for launching an initiative Tawazun India, Asif Iqbal, Executive Director of Asian Arab Chamber of Commerce said, “Challenging extremism is the duty of all responsible members of the society. In case of extremism, we believe a more self critical approach must be adapted by Muslims.”

Talking about their Madrasa Modernisation plan, Asif Iqbal said that they are trying to have some sort of monitoring system in the madrasas. “We are requesting the madrasas to allow teachers and professors to bring in a monitoring system so that ideologies are questioned and understood. We have to include such a system now. We don’t want to wait until a blast happens somewhere. We are trying to avoid a ‘Paris’ in India.” He added, “Tawazun believes in universal human rights, for women and people of other faiths.”