
Student Sustains Head Injuries During Sport Practice at School

Rashmi Belur

BENGALURU:  A 15-year-old student of a city school, located in Kumara Park area, sustained severe head injuries while practising for his school’s annual sports meet recently.

Anish (name changed) was part of the group of students selected to form a human pyramid at the annual sports meet, scheduled for Saturday. During practice,  Anish fell from the fifth level of the human pyramid. According to school authorities, teachers were present at the time of the accident. “Teachers were present and were telling them not to go beyond two levels,” a school official told Express.

Soon after Anish fell, the school authorities took him to a hospital.

 Sources said he underwent a surgery following multiple clots in the brain. He is now said to be out of danger and is expected to be able to write his Class 10 examinations, scheduled to be held in a few months.

But the incident has raised serious questions about safety of children in schools.

The parent of one of the students at the school said, “We came to know about the incident only two days later. Safety at school is a concern for us.”

Another parent said, “We agree that it was an accident. The child, thankfully, survived and is out of danger. But who should be held responsible? I am sending my eight-year-old to this school and I am scared now.”

One of the vice-principals of the school said, “We have taken all safety measures and our teachers were also present during the practice. This was just an accident. Somehow the student slipped and fell down. We have given him proper medical care. The school will bear the medical expenses.”

No police complaint or medico-legal case has been registered.