
A Parade of Questions

Dr Navin Jayakumar

1. The road on which the Republic Day parade takes place in Delhi used to be known as Kingsway in British India. What is it called today?

2. Prior to the commencement of the parade, where does the Prime Minister lay a floral wreath?

3. Where is Amar Jawan Jyoti located in Delhi?

4. Which unit of the Indian Army accompanies the Head of the State of India and the chief guest?

5. Name the Indonesian Head of State who was the guest of honour at the first Republic Day parade of India?

6. The practice of having a guest of honour at India’s Republic Day parade started in 1950. Till date only one person, a legendary European statesman and the Head of State of his country, has been chief guest twice (in 1968 and 1974). Name him.

7. Which two countries have had the most number of guests of honour from at the Republic Day parade?

8. Which award is presented by the President of India, which is our country’s highest peacetime military decoration awarded for valour, courageous action or self-sacrifice away from the battlefield, and is the peace time equivalent of the Param Vir Chakra?

9. Like the Ashok Chakra, what are the peacetime equivalents of the Mahavir Chakra and Vir Chakra respectively?

10. On October 2, 1957 Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was watching a performance at Delhi’s Ramlila ground. During the performance, a short circuit caused a fire to break out in a shamiana. Harish Chandra, a 14-year-old boy scout, promptly took out his knife and ripped open the burning tent, saving the lives of hundreds of trapped people. What did this incident inspire?

11. Which two National Bravery Awards were established in 1978 in memory of two children, a brother and a sister, who lost their lives while confronting their kidnappers?

12. Which awards, instituted in the year 1954 in three categories, are announced every year on Republic Day?

13. Name the military ceremony dating back to 16th century England and first used to recall nearby patrolling units to their castle that is part of the Republic Day ceremonies in India and signifies the formal end to the occasion.

14. Where does the Beating the Retreat ceremony take place?

15. Which two tunes are played by massed military bands at the end of the Beating  the Retreat ceremony?

16. Which event that concludes the parade took place this year despite the security reservations expressed by the US Secret Service, who wanted it scrapped?


1. Rajpath

2. Amar Jawan Jyoti

 3. At India Gate

 4.  President’s Bodyguard

 5.  President Sukarno

 6. Marshal Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia

 7. France and Bhutan

 8. Ashok Chakra

 9. Kirti Chakra and Shaurya Chakra

 10. National Bravery Awards. Children who receive this award ride on caparisoned elephants as part of the Republic Day Parade. Harish Chandra was the first recipient.

 11. The Sanjay Chopra Award and the Geeta Chopra Award

 12. Padma Awards

 13. Beating the Retreat on the evening of January 29

 14. Vijay Chowk

 15. Abide With Me and Sare Jahan Se Accha

 16. The flypast by the IAF