
Malasana Variation

Grand Master Akshar

How to practise

■  Stand with feet.. shoulder-distance apart

■  Slowly squat with full feet down (support with folded mat or towel, if heels are not touching the mat)

■  Spread  your thighs so that knees are wider than torso

■  Keep your spine lifted from your tailbone

■  Join your palms together

■  Fill yourself with gratitude and draw the energy inwards, breathe rhythmically

■  Hold the position for 30 seconds

■   Gently straighten your knees and come into padahastasana


■  This posture boosts the flow of energy across the body

■  Stretches the ankles, groins, sacrum and lower back

■  Massages the internal abdominal organs through contraction of upper body

■  Directs flow of energy towards Manipura chakra

■  Stimulates metabolism and digestive organs

Caution: Yogis with knee injuries, lower back pain and tighter hips should be cautious while performing this asana.

Akshar Power Yoga Academy, #4004, 100 Feet Road Indiranagar
