
Delightful Matar Kulcha

Seema Goel

Matar aur Kulcha, a spicy and tangy street food of Delhi evokes a lot of strong  memories. We used to wait for the local Matar Kulcha vendor’s cycle cart and his distinct bell. The matar gravy would cook slowly in a brass pot or ‘pateeli’ over a coal angeethi. The air would filled with the smoke and aromas emanating from coal, coriander leaves, lemon juice and red hot chilli peppers. Conversation would flow between the vendor and eager customers and years later, I would taste matar kulchas in high profile eateries and still miss the earthy taste of authentic street food. Today many Indian fast food outlets like Haldirams and Bikanerwala etc serve this delight, The curry has a semi-thick consistency and is prepared with white peas soaked overnight and then boiled till soft and tender  They are then topped with freshly cut onions, tomatoes, green chillies, coriander and spicy chutneys. Spices can be adjusted as per one’s appetite. The kulchas have to be warmed on the hot tava till brown spots appear.


  •  White dried peas/matar 1 cup
  •  Oil 1tbs
  •  Jeera ½ tsp
  •  Hing pinch
  •  Salt to taste
  •  Chaat masala ½ tsp
  •  Roasted cumin powder   ½  tsp
  •  Red chilli powder ½ tsp
  •  Amchoor ½ tsp
  •  Garam masala ½ tsp
  •  Black salt ½ tsp
  •  Black pepper  ¼ tsp
  •  Fennel powder 1tsp

For topping

  •  Onion small chopped finely  1
  •  Tomato chopped 1
  •  Few thin strips of ginger
  •  Green chillies chopped 1
  •  Coriander leaves chopped 1tbs
  •  Lemon juice 2tsp


  •  Soak matar overnight . Drain and pressure-cook in water on high flame till about one whistle and then let them cook for 15 minutes on low flame. Switch off the gas. Let pressure drop down by itself.
  •  Strain the matar and discard water.
  •  Heat oil in a pan. Add hing and jeera. Let them crackle.
  •  Add all other masalas and fry for 30 seconds on simmer mode.
  •  Add peas and stir for few minutes. Adjust the consistency by adding a little  water. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  •  Transfer to a serving dish and top the matar with freshly cut onion, tomato  ginger, green chillies and coriander leaves.
  •  Squeeze lemon. Mix lightly and serve with kulchas.