
A Neat Stamp for Your Craft Projects

Radhika Malladi

What exactly do we do with plastic bottles that only threaten to gobble up our lives with their volumes? The ideas are many, but there is an option, to recycle them.

We would of course wait for the local recycle shop guy who comes by the doorstep to collect them, at my parents’ place.

In USA, the options to recycle plastic bottle caps are limited. It is not okay to put a bottle and a cap together into recycle bins.

How about thinking up ideas for crafts with such caps? The possibilities are many.

I looked up the Internet and was overawed with things one can do! But a simple idea struck me. And that of course is  converting them into stamping tools for home crafts!

What you need for this super quickie project:

  •   A used thermocol or styrofoam container. Wash it thoroughly, and wipe off any residue of food
  •     A stamping pad or alternatively, some paint and brush
  •      A plastic bottle cap of the size you want
  •     A pair of scissors
  •     Multi-surface glue
  •   Pen or marker

How to do it

Draw out a shape you like and cut it. Be sure to draw on the flat surface of the container. All that needs to be done now, is to stick the foam on to the cap.

Tips here

If you want the glue to sit well on the cap, rub the surface of the cap with sandpaper. And delicately roughen  the glue-side of your foam shape.

A problem that may crop up in the project is that the foam sheet may be too thin for the cap if you need it to protrude enough for stamping. As a back up, cut the same shape twice or thrice.

In case the shape is too thin, or the glue is roo much, stick another piece of the shape on top of the current one. And another still if you are not happy with the protrusion yet.

For my piece, I thought the super glue I used was a mistake because it was spreading too much while getting absorbed on the foam surface. So I cut out another teardrop shape and stuck it on top of the layer, with a multi-surface craft glue.

You can stick a layer or two more of the shape, going by the result after stamping...see what works for you. I loved the different textures this stamp gives to my bookmarks, greeting cards, gift envelopes and more.

— Radhika Malladi

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