
'I read my first rhymes in assamese'

Express News Service

BENGALURU: Delhi-based poet Nitoo Das will be in the city for Bangalore Poetry Festival. She shares her favourites with City Express, ahead of the event.

Your favourite love poem

Shapechangers in Winter, by Margaret Atwood

A poem / poet you keep going back to

Head of a Dandelion, by Alice Oswald. The subject (dandelion) is almost commonplace, but the images are startling and unforgettable.

The first poem you

remember reading

Rhymes in Assamese, my first language.

Written word or slam? Or songs?

Written word.

Epics or anthologies? Or any other genre?

Poetry collection by a poet.

Poetry vs prose


Inspiration / influences

Ted Hughes, Kamala Das, Vladimir Nabokov, Sylvia Plath, Alice Oswald, Remedios Varo, Benoit Mandelbrot, Art Spiegelman, Hergé.

(My responses to such questions keep changing with time. These answers are answers-of-the-moment.)