
Choose speed over perfection

Rajeev Tamhankar

BENGALURU: “Start small but start fast!” - This is the best advice I can give to budding entrepreneurs. Most of us wait for the perfect product to be built before we can launch. We keep doing market research and spend time analyzing on what is going on in the market. But there is no better way of learning than to go on ground and experimenting it yourself. If you are building an app, launch a prototype - don’t keep waiting for the perfect version. The longer you delay the launch, the longer you delay the valuable customer feedback. It is totally okay not to launch the best version because for all you know, the features that you might be thinking are important for customers - might actually turn out to be not so important. So if you are ever at the crossroads of “Speed” and “Perfection” for your startup or product launch, always choose “Speed”! The writer is founder of  TBS Planet, comic book studio. He is an IIT Roorkee Silver Medalist,

2011 Limca World Record Holder, author of books - “Get Corporated before you get fired!” and comics for “Ved” and “A Flying Jatt”.