
Proper diet, exercises for a regular cycle

Dr Manisha Singh

BENGALURU: I am 25-years-old. I get severe stomach aches during my periods. I take Meftal but it does not help sometimes. I have done an ultrasound test a few years ago and doctor had told me about the presence of cyst in my ovary. But she then said there’s nothing to worry. What can I do?

It is best to see a gynaecologist and rule out conditions such as endometriosis. One may require a laparoscopy to ascertain the same accurately (abdominal key hole surgery).

My menstrual cycle is short. I get periods every 21 days. I get irritated as it affects my plans. I get severe stomachache too. My age is 22 years. Can anything be done to extend the menstrual cycle on a regular basis? 

Do consult a gynaecologist. You may get some relief with the oral contraceptive pill to regulate your cycles, provided you have no risk factors that contradict the use of the pill.

I get cramping pain in the lower abdomen before my periods. Also, itching in breasts and pimples on my face. Are they just signs of menstruation or something to worry about? I am 26.

You could have PCOS. Best to see a gynaecologist for a thorough assessment.

I am 27. My periods occur on time but the duration is not fixed. It sometimes last for a week and sometimes just for four days. I am worried. What should I do?

If the cycles are regular, it is not a cause of concern. Ensure a healthy diet, regular exercise and adequate fluid intake. However if the periods are prolonged and heavy, you may need a pelvic ultrasound to rule out conditions such as fibroids.

The doctor is a consultant gyneacologist & IVF specialist, Fortis Hospital.

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