
Meet your idol while helping a good cause

From our online archive

BENGALURU: You’re a budding entrepreneur and meeting Sachin Bansal from Flipkart and taking his tips on how to start your company would be a dream come true. A session on the nets with ace cricketer Virat Kohli might be an ultimate goal for a diehard cricket fan.

Well, all these might actually be possible through BuyMyTime, an online company that brings together celebrities and commoners to help a good charitable cause.

Explaining the concept behind the functioning of the company, the managing director of BuyMyTime Anusha Raj said that that raffles and auctions were advertised online. Whoever interested can then buy the raffles for a certain prize or bid in the auctioning.  

The first event organised by the company had 4 winners who got an opportunity to go to an all expense paid a trip to London with Bollywood actor, Abhishek Bachchan, to watch the English Premier League match between Chelsea and Manchester United.

The majority of the funds raised through this one event went to the Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled – a Bengaluru-based charity that helps and works with the underprivileged, visually impaired and the physically challenged.

“In order to sustain ourselves in our mission, the company follows the 80:20 percent model where 80 percent goes to charity and 20 percent goes to is deduced as a fee.” says Anusha.

Anusha said that she had to deal with a few difficulties involving legalities before starting such an enterprise. “In crude terms, a raffle is known as a lottery which is not very welcome and frowned upon. However since were involved with charity it was easier.

The 20 percent we take is only to sustain ourselves. It is a huge risk starting a venture like this however it has been a great journey,” she adds

BMT has tied up with as many as 10 NGOs so far that are supported by celebrities. It aims to organise more events very soon, says Anusha.