
Jayamahal Road gets saplings of hope 

Meera Bhardwaj

BENGALURU: The tree transplantation project on Jayamahal Road is going on at a hectic pace for the last five days. The civic body has transplanted more than 10 trees near TV tower on a 2.5 kilometre stretch and about 80 more trees are to be transplanted in the coming days. The transplantation is being done in the wake of 108 trees marked for felling between Cantonment railway station and Mekhri Circle for the road widening project.

Among the already transplanted trees are cherry and badami species. For each transplanted tree, two saplings that are more than five feet tall are being planted.According to BBMP Commissioner N Manjunath Prasad, efforts are on to transplant as many trees as possible on Jayamahal Road. They will be re-located to the adjacent footpath or the Palace Grounds.

Giving details of the transplantation project, the BBMP Tree Officer and ACF, Shanth Kumar said, “As many as 22-30 trees which have almost attained silviculture maturity cannot be transplanted. It will be a wasteful exercise as they will not survive. Depending on the size, girth, species, canopy size, health status and maturity, the trees have been identified for transplantation. Species with lateral roots where the mother roots are deep-rooted are not favourable for translocation.”

“This is a welcome change and if more than 80 trees can be saved on this road, it will be a big victory for the people. This will set a precedent for sustainable development. It was great to see government, people, experts and NGOs coming together to save the precious tree cover of Bengaluru,” said Tree Committee member and urban conservationist Vijay Nishanth.The project has been scientifically planned after discussions with Institute of Wood Science and Technology.

“We contacted experts as we had to address the issue of both congestion and pollution. As per a study, we need 300 trees on this road to absorb the pollutants. However, it takes time to have a scientific system in place to save the city’s tree cover,” said the Tree Officer.