
Luna Lovegood makes me embrace my weirdness: Teenage author Zuni Chopra

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BENGALURU: Seventeen-year-old Zuni Chopra, daughter of filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra and journalist Anupama Chopra has recently released her second novel, The Island of The Day Before.  In conversation with City Express, she talks about her inspirations, favourite book and fictional character. Excerpts:

Your favourite book of all time and why? Could you quote a passage?
My favourite book of all time is a tough choice to make, but I’d have to go with Coraline by Neil Gaiman. It taught me so much as a young girl and as a young writer. I feel the line that best represents the way I feel about the book is the line in which Coraline tells herself  “I will be brave. No, I am brave.”

Your favourite fictional character and why?
Another tough one, but I’d have to go with Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. She’s made me laugh and cry all at once, and helped me embrace my own weirdness!

Few lines you got from a book, which you would never forget?
Animal Farm by George Orwell: “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
Five top books released in 2017, according to you
It would be very tough to pick out only five! I know for sure my top choice though: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman.

One book you would want a first edition of and why?
I’d want the first edition of The Old Man and The Sea by Hemmingway, as it’s one of my favourite books and the first edition would, I’m sure, transport me to anther time.

Which author would you like to have tea with and what would you talk about?
Neil Gaiman! I would love to ask how he developed his personal style and how he has transformed the genre of fantasy. If we’re including authors of the past, I would also say TS Eliot; he’s one of the greatest poets I’ve ever read.

One advice you would give to your favourite author, and one you would give to terrible writers.
To my favourite author: Write more!
To terrible writers: Don’t focus on writing more, focus on refining what you have already.

Which books would you take with you on a solo holiday?
None; I’d buy a ton of new books while on vacation!

Your one guilty-pleasure read?
Re-reading The Hunger Games!

One fictional character you go to when you need a friend?
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. She’s an incredibly strong woman and helped me so much growing up.

What is one quality of a book you wish people would have?
The witty humour!

One book you wish was never written, and why?
None; all books, even the terrible ones, someone somewhere has enjoyed writing or reading.

What is the one thing you cannot tolerate when you are reading?
People asking me to do things or asking me questions. “Can you pass the remote?” “Mom I am in THE MIDDLE OF AN EPIC BATTLE STOP MAKING ME MOVE!”

Your favourite reading nook?
My bedroom or any nice library!

Do you remember to keep bookmarks?
YES. I love bookmarks, they can be so beautiful! Besides, what else would I do? Fold the page?