
WATCH | Bengaluru cop sings national anthem to pacify protestors, ends anti-CAA stir

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BENGALURU: In a unique way to convince protestors at Town Hall to leave the place and end their protest, DCP of Bengaluru (Central), Chetan Singh Rathore on Thursday sang national anthem over the public address system, making all protestor rise up from their place, who later agreed to culminate the agitation.

Shortly after the national anthem was commenced, people protesting over the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 vacated the place without any argument.

Earlier, while attempting to strike a chord with the protestors and to convince them to leave the place, Rathore had also warned them about how such agitation can be used by anti-social elements for their benefit.

Section-144 is currently in place in several parts of Karnataka in the wake of protests over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 seeks to grant citizenship to Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, Buddhists and Christians fleeing religious persecution from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh and came to India on or before December 31, 2014.