
Two men nabbed for assaulting and robbing Bengaluru traffic cop

HM Chaithanya Swamy

BENGALURU: For traffic cops stationed on Tannery Road and its surroundings, abuse and assault are part of the day’s work. On Monday, two men in an auto rickshaw beat up a constable, snatched his walkie-talkie and tablet in full view of the public, for enforcing traffic rules.    

Law and order police swung into action and nabbed the duo, and sent them to jail after recovering the department’s gadgets. Krishna (28), a constable with Pulakeshinagar traffic police, said that on Monday morning, he was assigned Cobra duty (patrolling on Cobra bike) when he saw traffic jammed at Pottery Circle, in Pulakeshinagar.

Krishna noticed an autorickshaw (KA-03-AA-9728) coming from Tannery Road towards Viviani Road, a one-way. As the auto driver attempted to slip into the road, where autos are banned, Krishna stopped him and told him to take an alternative road to reach Viviani Junction. The driver refused to go back, and a verbal spat ensued. The driver started abusing him and when Krishna objected, the driver’s friend hopped out of the auto, grabbed Krishna by his neck and tried to strangle him. He then kicked Krishna in his abdomen. Many locals and commuters watched but none of them came forward to help Krishna, police said.

When Krishna tried to tackle the man, the auto driver accused Krishna and all cops of being high-handed, kicked him and threatened to kill him. A group of people on an election campaign saw the duo attacking Krishna and rushed to his help.

Krishna passed the message to the control room and Pulakeshinagar law and order police arrested the duo. The driver was identified as Syed Shameer (35) and his friend as Aleem (28), residents of Chinnappa Garden. An investigating officer said the duo were remanded in judicial custody and lodged in Parappana Agrahara central jail.