
Woman fights off chain snatcher, but loses her gold chain

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BENGALURU: A 45-year-old woman thrashed a chain snatcher when she was attacked by him in the wee hours of November 14 in Akkipet. The chain snatcher escaped with her gold chain worth `1.6 lakh.
According to the complaint filed by Pushpalatha, a resident of Obbaiah Lane in Akkipet, she was applying rangoli in front of her house when a man tried to snatch her chain from behind. Pushpalatha immediately held her chain tightly, grabbed a broom and started beating the snatcher.

The snatcher overpowered her and snatched the chain. When he was trying to escape, Pushpalatha raised an alarm when her son and daughter, came out. Her neighbours also came out after hearing her scream. Pushpalatha and her son chased the snatcher for some distance, but the snatcher disappeared.