
Do opinions divide people?

Jiddu Krishnamurti

BENGALURU : Is it possible for human beings, who are at all serious to find out if they can live in a state of non-duality, not ideologically, theoretically? Because I feel if this is not possible then we must be at war with each other. You with your particular opinions, beliefs and dogmas and conclusions, and I with mine. And so there is never a real communication, never contact.

This is going on right throughout the world. The guru with his particular disciples, disciplines, the societies, the sects with their particular dogmas, and all the rest of it. And here we are, confronted with this issue, not ideologically but actually, because that is the only, one of the major political problems is the unity of man, of mankind - whether it is at all possible. And whether human beings, individuals, you and I can live a life in which there is no duality at all, in which opinions do not divide people, beliefs, conclusions, resistance.

There can be no communication as long as there is division. And what we consider, what we call love, if it is the product of thought or hedged about by thought, that very love divides. And when one becomes aware of all this, what is one to do, how is one to act? There must be the exercise of thought, logically, sanely, healthily, completely, and yet that very thought must... cannot obviously... create division. 

If there is sensitivity, which is part of love, then thought has no place in it at all, knowing that thought brings fragmentation, separation, division. So how is one to live in a world that is completely divided and glories in this division, separation? How is one to live so that there is complete harmony inwardly as well as outwardly? The moment we have a formula, a system, that very system and formula bring about a separation.