
Take A ‘Thrill’ Pill

Rubi Chakravarti

Good morning, Bangalore!

Unfortunately, it isn’t raining men, but as our neighbouring states get inundated, the mega brands decide that our ooru is the perfect launch pad for their products. Perhaps it is the pitter patter of guests making a beeline to their launches that hold the key to their success. Every time a new or highfalutin brand is launched, Bangalore is a very bright beep on their radar.

Every high end car, hotel chain and a luxury brand has a presence in our city. My home (in the CBD area) is surrounded with three mega car showrooms (each costing as much as a flat)! In fact my balcony overlooks a showroom displaying sleek ‘Hogs’ (a colloquial name for Harley Davidson motorcycles) and every time I hear the low growl of their machines starting up, I run to look out of the balcony in the fond hope that maybe… just maybe an equally attractive person would be astride the vehicle. Alas! I am always disappointed as I have only seen balding middle-aged and portly men revving the engine with a glint in their eyes. I suppose they are the only ones who can afford the said bike.

Now I know why they call it ‘The Hog’. But I am not complaining! Even if we are a blip on their radar, it means progress. It means that our city is to be reckoned with. Hell! We can’t remain a sleepy hollow with good weather forever now, can we? I acknowledge that change will bring its own set of problems and travesties but the more we put off progress, (even the flashy kind), the more we run the risk of being fossilised. No pain no gain, as they say. Not all ‘flash’ is ‘trash’! Glitz and glamour does draw in authors, thinkers and their ilk too. In the last couple of years, I have been privileged to hear some great thinkers and authors speak and have witnessed some fabulous artistes performing in our city, which was a rarity even a decade ago. Visiting chefs, authors, performers, dancers…you get the gist. If we have to deal with potholes and pot bellies then, c’est la vie’!

In keeping with my theme of being gainfully employed, I put on my ‘social queen’ avatar and attended some very interesting events. Even though my long working days and aching feet did put a damper on my spirits, I bravely stuffed my feet into high heels and trooped off to face the arc lights.
The first was at the invitation of the popular brand of single malt, Balvenie, which was launched in Bangalore at The Four Seasons Hotel. Their global brand ambassador, Gemma Paterson, took us through the history of the whiskey, her charming Scottish accent blending seamlessly with the talented flautist. It was a charming evening with a handpicked guest list of true connoisseurs. Chef Vikas Seth is a good friend and a brilliant chef (a winning combination to be a good friend!). His repertoire of food ranging from Mexican and SE Asian cuisine is legendary. But only a few good friends know that his grandma’s

Indian recipes are a winner as well.
With the successful franchise of Sriracha and Sanchez under his belt, his close group of friends was invited to the newest kid on the block, a new micro-brewery called Hopshäus, hops (used primarily as a bittering and a flavouring agent in beer), and Häus (as in German for house). Located in Whitefield (my nemesis), the restaurant was bright and trendy with a massive bar. A band played reggae and rock music while the hip and happening people of Bangalore feasted on a delectable mix of Indian, Mexican and SE Asian fare. Though a brunch invitation, when we were winding home at 6pm, we jostled with people still streaming in. Things are changing in sleepy hollow all right!

Till next week, Ciao!