
Lockdown violators, cops to seize your vehicles, book commuters

From our online archive

BENGALURU: Cracking down on people taking out their vehicles unnecessarily amidst the lockdown, the city police seized more than 2,000 vehicles on Sunday. City’s top cop warned that those who bring vehicles on streets without a valid reason will be booked under the provisions of the National Disaster Management Act. The police, who are trying hard to enforce the lockdown strictly as many people can be seen roaming in the city, have decided to seize the vehicles.

Accordingly, the traffic and the law & order police had seized more than 2,000 vehicles on Sunday. However, City Police Commissioner Bhaskar Rao has directed his men that all vehicles seized on Sunday should be released after warning the vehicle owners that if they are caught again, vehicles will not be released until the lockdown period is over.

Besides, Rao has instructed the police staff to continue seizing of vehicles after creating awareness among the public that their vehicles will be seized if found roaming unnecessarily and the same will not be released until the lockdown ends. He has directed that the police staff must video record the happenings while seizing any vehicle. Further, he has warned that people roaming unnecessarily will be booked under the provisions of the National Disaster Management Act.