
No longer in your head

Dr Rajeev Rajesh

BENGALURU: A headache can bring intense throbbing pain and discomfort, usually characterised by a feeling of tightness in the shoulder, neck and scalp. Those who often feel pulsating headaches generally suffer from migraines, where the pain is often felt on one side of the head. Headaches can be triggered by a lot of factors – stress, allergies, lack of sleep, sinus, eye strain, or hunger. Posture is also an important factor that can trigger headaches, as poor posture can affect blood circulation to the brain, leading to muscle tension and headache. 

Instead of turning to pills, there is an ancient traditional way, yoga, to treat stress headaches effectively without any side-effects. Yoga helps relax the muscles in the neck, back, and head, increasing circulation and easing tension headaches. There are some yoga poses that can help get rid of headaches.

 (The author is chief yoga officer at Jindal Naturecure Institute)

Keep in mind
The daily practice of these yoga poses can help you get rid of migraines and stress headaches. Other than practising regularly, there are certain other factors like maintaining a healthy diet, reducing exposure to sun and bright light, and maintaining a proper daily schedule are effective in controlling and preventing headaches.

Shashankasana  (Child’s pose)

How to do
Kneel on the floor.
Sit on your heels in a comfortable position and bend down.
Stretch your hands forward and try to touch the forehead with the ground. 
Stay in this position for two minutes before returning to your original position.
Relieves neck and back pain when practised with torso and head support.
Calms and soothes the brain. 
Relieves fatigue and stress.


(Standing forward bend pose)

How to do

Keep your hands by your side and stand straight with the feet together.
Take a deep breath and lift your hands above your head.
Breathe out and bend down from the hips towards your feet.
Try to touch the floor with your hands.
Stay in this position for 30 seconds and gently release.
Strengthens the spine and enhances flexibility.
Increases blood circulation to the brain.
Strengthens the muscles in the back. 

Setubandhasana (Bridge pose)

How to do
Lie on your back and bend your knees so that your feet are on the floor.
Place your arms close to the rib cage and keep your palms flat.
Gently lift your pelvic region and torso by keeping your head and shoulders grounded. 
Ensure that your feet and thighs remain parallel. 
Stay in this position for one minute and gently release. 
Creates a soothing effect on the brain and helps reduce stress.
Stretches the spine, neck, and chest.
Relieves a tired back instantly.

Adho Mukha  Svanasana

(Downward facing dog pose)

How to do
Come onto your limbs with your knees under the hips and palms aligned with the shoulders.
Breathe out and lift your hips to make an inverted ‘V’ position with your body.
With your feet firmly on the floor, keep your fingers spread.
Gaze towards your navel and engage the core.
Hold the position for 7-8 breaths and slowly return to your original position.
Stretches the back.
Improves the flow of blood to the brain.
Strengthens the neck and improves posture.

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined cobbler’s pose)

How to do
Lie down on your back.
Keeping the spine erect, bring the feet inward towards the pelvis.
Create a diamond shape by touching the soles of your feet.
Bring the feet close to the groin. 
Stay in this position for a minute and release by stretching out your legs. 
Improves blood flow to the entire body.
Relieves anxiety and stress.
Helps in curing depression.