
Fitness in focus

Shwetambari Shetty

BENGALURU : One of the many things 2020 has taught us is that being fit and healthy does help in fighting an illness or disease a little more. Apart from workouts becoming big in 2020, we saw a lot of people start their fitness journey. Covid-19 has brought fitness into focus.

In 2021, fitness and health will become a priority for most people. Exercise builds better immunity and now we all have a reason to exercise regularly. Workout at home or online workouts will continue to be popular. The choices for online workouts, trainers, equipment are plenty, even more than offline. And working out from home is comfortable and convenient for a lot of people, and less intimidating.

Online workouts/ apps will trend in 2021. As the approach goes more towards holistic health, a lot of emphasis will be given to nutrition. Building immunity and maintaining good health is a combination of food and exercise, creating a demand for healthy food services and nutrition counselling. 

What this pandemic also left behind is a dire need for mental fitness. With work from home continuing, there will be a lot of focus on mental health in the form of meditation, counselling, and workouts like dance fitness that are bust stress and enhance the mood. (The author is a fitness expert with Cure.Fit)