
Don’t snooze kidney health 

Dr Prashant C Dheerendra

BENGALURU: Remember those days where you felt like you were swimming through a cloud? It is not just our mind that gets affected by lack of sleep but other parts of the body also get equally affected. Persistent sleep deprivation or an unhealthy sleep cycle can damage the kidneys. Chronic kidney disease can impair the normal functioning, eventually resulting in kidney failure. The symptoms of kidney disease resemble symptoms of other medical conditions as well, therefore diagnosing the root cause of chronic kidney disease is important. Fatigue, low energy, and inability to concentrate are a few symptoms that disrupt the sleep cycle. The continuous uneasiness impairs the physiological system. 

Insufficient sleep can result in hypotension (low blood pressure) and hypertension (high blood pressure). Alongside, there are higher chances of developing diabetes or becoming obese due to lack of good sleep. Doctors suggest eight hours of sleep to maintain healthy kidneys while less than seven hours can aggravate chances of developing chronic kidney disease. 

Interrupted sleep, commonly known as ‘sleep fragmentation’ is associated with an elevated risk of developing potential kidney problems.  Doctors suggest that each hour of less sleep increases the risk of affecting the health of the kidneys. If one is experiencing interrupted sleep persistently, then consultation with a medical expert is recommended. But most importantly, one should avoid certain habits to improve and maintain good sleep  hygiene. 

There are several reasons why one loses sound sleep, but inculcating certain habits in our routine can help one experience sound sleep and prevent health hazards. Good sleep leads to a fresh start of a new day. It  calms our mind and helps us focus on the day ahead. Here are a few ways to improve sleep hygiene:

1. Avoid screen time before going to bed
2. Maintain same sleep routine even on weekends
3. Avoid having a heavy meal a few hours before sleep
4. Be physically active. It is very important to perform physical activities regularly
5. Try to set the room up at a normal temperature
(The author is a consultant nephrologist, Apollo Dialysis clinics)