
Go natural to treat Hemorrhoids 

Dr Manas Ranjan Tripathy

BENGALURU: One of the most common problems prevalent among both men and women in is hemorrhoids. While they usually go away in a few days or weeks, they can also lead to mild or severe discomfort. Hemorrhoids are also known as piles that are swollen veins in the rectum and anus. They can either develop inside and outside of the anus and are known as external and internal hemorrhoids. Some of the common symptoms of hemorrhoids are rectal bleeding, pain, and itching. Some home remedies can make hemorrhoids tolerable:

ALOE VERA: Aloe vera gel has a long history of treating hemorrhoids and other skin conditions. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce irritation. It is important to use pure aloe vera gel instead of human-made aloe vera gels. Pure gel can be collected directly from an aloe vera plant. Some people can be allergic to aloe vera. Before applying it on the piles directly, apply a small amount on the forearm and wait for 24-48 hours. If there is no reaction, it is safe to use.

WARM BATH: Taking a warm bath can help. You can use a sitz bath (small plastic tub that fits on top of a toilet seat) or even a fullbody bath in the tub. It will be most effective to take a warm bath for 20 minutes after every stool movement. Further relief can be provided by adding epsom salts to the bath.

COLD COMPRESSES: Applying an ice pack or a cold compress to the hemor-  rhoid’s area in the anus for 15 minutes at a time can help relieve swelling. Wrap ice in a paper towel or cloth. Never apply anything frozen directly on the skin.

DIET: The discomfort of hemorrhoids can be eased if the diet is high in fibre, as it helps reduce constipation which is a common cause of hemorrhoids. Eating broccoli, sweet potatoes, beetroots, cucumbers, melons, and apples can ease hemorrhoids.

COTTON CLOTHING: Clothing plays an important role in triggering irritation. It is necessary to swap out tight clothes with ultra-breathable cotton clothing. Wearing cotton underwear can help keep the anal area both dry and clean. This will reduce symptoms. Avoid using fabric softeners and perfumed detergents.


The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is by making necessary lifestyle and dietary changes. It is important to stay physically active and eat healthy to have regular stool movements. Stay hydrated to prevent constipation. The most effective way to avoid constipation is by going to the bathroom when there is an urge as delaying a stool movement makes the stool harder leading to constipation. Avoid sitting for long periods and exercise regularly. (The author is laparoscopic surgeon at Apollo Spectra Hospital Koramangala)