
Let’s go to karaoke

From our online archive

BENGALURU: My first-ever real interaction with Karaoka was at a karaoke bar in Japan in 2007, when our host insisted on taking us to absorb some local cultural after a concert. He insisted that we all participate, and after a few rounds at the mic, we all felt quite relaxed, amused and a fan of this form of entertainment.

Karaoke is easy to do even if you don’t know a song well, because the backing track usually has an instrument (like the flute or synthesiser) playing a guide melody line, and the words appear on the screen and are highlighted when you are supposed to sing them.

Although only about 50 years old, it has become a very popular form of musical entertainment the world over. There’s something about silly, over-exaggerated singing (solo or group), that brings out a sense of childish abandon which leaves you relaxed and others amused.

Millions of people around the world enjoy karaoke in different settings, be it a karaoke bar or, home party, or a family evening, and it does seem to have several benefits apart from being a good source of recreation and socialisation:

1. Stress Relief: Singing makes people happy and decreases stress and anxiety levels. It also releases endorphins and slows the heart rate down.

2. Improved Memory: When singing karaoke, the mind pulls up memories associated with the song. It also stimulates the part of the brain associated with concentration and learning.

3. Improved Breathing : While singing karaoke, people tend to take deeper and longer breaths, in order to sing full lines, instead of breathing after every couple of words. This exercise helps build breathing
control over a period of time and improves general health. It also helps regulate breathing when people are feeling anxious.

4. Brain Stimulation : Singing requires an understanding of pitch, rhythm, lyrics, and along with the music. Doing all of these things together stimulates the brain.

5. Confidence Building: Singing karaoke, whether in front of family, or friends, or a room full of strangers is a great confidence builder.

6. Helps Handle Emotions: Song choices often give you an insight into a person, what their favourites are, and what their current mental state is. Singing karaoke is a great way to process emotions that one is dealing with, and communicate feelings in a unique way.

7. Talent Showcase: Karaoke is a low stakes way to perform in front of an audience and showcase your talent. It doesn’t require too much preparation, and if it goes well, it’s a great way to make a positive impression on an audience. If you haven’t tried karaoke yet, it’s my best suggestion for your next family
night, or party.